467 results found
HOLD needs added to Graphing with MA options
Just as we can graph MA options for the SELL price, we need to have the ability to do the same with the HOLD price. I feel like with it we possibly can improve on the NPI graphing decision making tool. It could possibly ad better decision points to the sell side of the equation.
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Hide or show graph drawings
A graph drawing (such as a horizontal line) should be listed with the current list of parameters so that it can be hidden or shown. This way a number of drawings can be added and turned on or off so that they are only shown when desired with other drawings. TradingView has this feature which I find very useful.
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Enter a vertical line on all charts of stocks that are optional able on the monthly expiration date.
All charts would have a vertical line corresponding to the date on the graph indicating the expiration date of the monthly options ( 3rd Friday of each month)
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Add button on Graphs page to select a Market Timing Call system to be used by default.
The ability to use a default Market Timing Call on all graphs would help one to evaluate candidate stocks more consistently.
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A simple way to access note writing, draw lines, fibonacci retracements, or use different cursors
Please consider a easier method access the dropdown boxes for cursors, date lines, line creations, notes, and fibonacci retracements. Simply right click on the background of the graph, which will open up the same two vertical columns listed at the top of the graph, near where your mouse is positioned. You then click on which column and item you wish to activate. After clicking on an item, the two columns disappear. To then change which item is active right click on the background to activate the next desired function. Users that like to mark up their graphs would find this…
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A simpler way to access cursors, lines, notes, fibonacci retracements on graphs
Please consider an easier way to access the dropdown boxes for cursors, date lines, line creations, notes, and fibonacci retracements. Simply right click on the background of the graph, which will open up the same two vertical columns listed at the top of the graph, near where your mouse is positioned. You then click on which column and item you wish to activate. After clicking on an item, the two columns disappear. To then change which item is active right click on the background to activate the next desired function. Users that like to mark up their graphs would find…
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Graph Multiple Symbols
Allow two or more symbols to be plotted on the same graph. Even free services such as Yahoo Finance have this ability.
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be able to set price alerts on graphs
be able to set price alerts on graphs
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Add ProfitLocker stops to graphs
I would like to see the ProfitLocker stops on the graphs
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Line thickness between the thinnest and medium weight under style
When working on a smaller screen like a laptop, I need a line thickness between the thinnest and the medium weight to make the line and color to stand out against the other details on the chart.
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Have a chart of the daily pre market futures ..... say starting at 1200 am EST
How about daily graph or graphs showing Pre market futures on DJI, Nasdaq, S% P 500. Maye start it about 12 am EST up to market opening. Would give good idea of early market trends.
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Multiple graph(s) retention
In the Graphs Tab, you can "select" up to 4 graphs on one screen. Currently, you CANNOT save that configuration. I have also made 4/6/8 screen compilations and this would be INVALUABLE asset to have in addition. I enclose these below and request this be seriously reviewed as to have to set this up EVERYTIME you wish to use is both tedious and time consuming!
I hope you can see the value in setting up either 4/6/8 graph layout configurations or 2/3/4/5 etc. whatever can be achieved? This is already available in other platforms like TOS and Interactive Brokers so…2 votes -
Name that candlestick
Add a technical analysis tool that will name that candlestick when the dateline is placed over the candlestick on the graph.
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Make graphs save as you close the window instead of when you close the program.
I do a lot of graphs. Evidently, this causes VectorVest to randomly crash and I lose all my chart annotations since I opened the program. When I open a list of graphs, make it save my graph annotations when I close that window instead of saving when I close the program. This way, when it crashes (and it will), I don't lose all of my work since opening the program. This problem is so annoying that it makes me want to look for an alternative to VectorVest and I LOVE the program.
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Sort graph layouts
sort graph layouts to keep layouts I use together
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Thicker candle wicks
A candle wick is the same thickness as the grid line and date line. When a candle coincides with a grid line or date line, the wicks disappear. The result is that HIGH and LOW visual information is lost. This is particulary troublesome for short timescales.
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Either make it easier to stop on a specific price showing when sliding a horizontal line up and down on a graph or allow a specific price to be entered. It is virtually impossible to stop on the exact price I want. Even though it's difficult to stop on the exact price you want, ironically the number shown has 4 decimal points.
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Add Percent Price Gain on Chart AND the dollar values (for Profit Stops)
I would like to be able to draw a line on the graph and see the dollar value of the starting point, the dollar value of the end point, and the price increase and percentage price increase. This benefits in two ways: (1) So I can easily pick between two stocks which has the stronger up-move, and (2) If I want to see where the stocks price is at a certain profit target I can draw the line and see both where 15% profit is and know that is at $40.00 (example). See attached file for the example.
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Allow performance graph in portfolio view to narrow graph time frame
This would allow us to focus on a specific period for any active portfolio that doesn't include events such as large withdrawals, which distort the graph.
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Draw Tool - Gain/Loss between candlesticks/dates
Draw Tool - % Gain between dates
on any graph, have a drawing tool option that you can go from one point on the graph to another point (Like two highs) and a pop-up window will show on the graph the % Gain/Loss, $ Gain/Loss, and # of trading days between the two points. this would help in setting profit exits and stop losses set points.
2 votes
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