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VectorVest 7

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VectorVest 7



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375 results found

  1. This idea is three fold. One it consists of a Moving Average of a Moving Average that is adjustable. I perfer a 3 day MA of a 6 day MA but longer term MA's can be profitable. The MA of a MA is quite different from a MA of price since it is a trent of the most current price range over x-days vs the trend of a longer term price over x-days. Two - I would also like to see a strategy that would allow the user to filter a search for the MA of a MA search cirtera…

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  2. Like to see Capability to run technical analysis un VV& under Uniserch at Sector and Industry level.

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  3. 4 votes

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  4. I'd like to export or copy the text of the parms of a unisearch query so we can share/save them outside VV. The ability to use Windows copy/paste would be perfect

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  5. Create a parameter that lets you search for stocks within some percentage of their 52 week low..........

    For example, you could search for equities within 25% of their 52 week low.

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  6. When I try to sort on certain fields in Unisearch output, I get a pop-up window that says "cannot sort on generated fields". These same fields cannot be exported. I want them both sortable and exportable.

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  7. 4 votes

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  8. It would also be good to know what is the ranking of each stock in any given strategy or strategies. For some stocks the results may be very solid and consistent, and for others the results may be confusing and contradictory. In boths cases it is good to know.

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  9. This would speed up the process of finding strategies that appeal in any given market

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  10. 4 votes

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  11. 4 votes

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  12. I would like to have a unisearch where I can use RT Rank (Industry), and the Simple Moving Average of RT Rank (Industry). If these operators were available I could write a search that returns industries where the RT Rank is crossing the 10 day MA of RT Rank today. This would tell me the industry is getting stronger.

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  13. In VV v6 the unisearch listed the number of stocks returned by a search - this was useful as it gave an idea of the direction of the universe that you were using - in really down markets my search might only return 10 stks but in up it might return 200 - giving a good view of strength.
    With vv7 I have to export the search to a watchlist to see how many there were.

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  14. Would like to have Sector and Industry Ranking and other parameters on Watchlist and Unisearch. This would be very helpful in increasing the probability of winning trade and improve the efficiency analyzing the stock. It is also a competitive advantage because other software packages provide this information like Investors Business daily on their software..

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  15. Copying and pasting an entire row or even rows of criteria into another, new or modified search would make it easier than to re-create the same steps (having to re-do the date/time, parameter, operator, and value each time) for a new or modified search.

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  16. Maybe I just haven't found it but it would be very nice to be able to filter or search the list of searches by name in the Unisearch tool. I'm always hearing "use the XYZ search to find candidate stocks for …". To find the XYZ search to run it I have to go through the entire list of searches unless I happened to know what tab it is under.

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  17. Hughes Optioneering recommends a MACD of 24-52-18. Is there a way to change the parameters for us to get this?

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  18. OBV test for Delta, GT or LT 0, Trending. Similar to what you can do with price or other.

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  19. With stock price I can run protrader technicals on the price (i.e. RSI, MACD, etc). I want to be able to do the same for industries and sectors.
    So, when I am searching sectors or industries when I chose price I have the same option to chose Protrader and run technicals on the price.

    I hope this is clear enough.

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  20. When RSI spikes 10 points or more, it highlights the strength of the move whether it is up or down .Can we capture the spike either by a Delta or % ? It works much faster than RT.

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