320 results found
Create Stop Loss Strategy: Buy 10 -- Hold 15
I would like to have a new Stop Loss Strategy that would enable me to buy the top 10 stocks from a given strategy and hold them until they fall out of the top 15. This would enable me to continually upgrade my portfolio without excessive whipsaw trading. I would particularly like to have the capability of testing this new stop loss feature in the VV Simulator.
520 votes -
152 votes
Add additional portfolio backtesting stops and buy conditions for portfolio.
Add a stop parameter to allow for conditional triggers - a 10% daily loss or 10% from the purchase price, 10% off the purchase price or 15% from the previous high or some other combination.
Allow for C/UP, C/DN, UPUP, UPDN, DNUP, DNDN to be additional conditions of buy or sell - ie. only execute the buy strategy during C/UP when the primary wave is UP.
113 votesWe are planning on adding these Market Timing conditions to BackTester soon.
84 votes
Backtest - Multiple STOP Criteria
Allow for combination STOP criteria - example: 30% Gain and/or 15% TRAILING STOP. This is possible in Prographics 6 Simulator but not VV7.
77 votes -
73 votes
Add delisted and bought out stocks
Vectorvest does not contain historical information for stocks that we're traded but are now delisted. For example, try to find circut city (CC) in the historical database. For backtesting purposes it seems that this would be pertinent info. For example, screens that were run 5 years ago would show different results than the same screens run over the same time period today because today's database no longer contains some of those stocks.
72 votes -
Export data to excel for further testing
I would like to export data such as mti data, stock data and quick test data.
58 votes -
user-defined market timing list
Allow users to import their own timing list rather than just using built-in lists of Confirmed, DEW, Primary Wave, Green Light. These user-defined timing signals could be used in graphs as well as in the backtester. The user-defined list could be for MACD, Cook's Candles, or any other list created externally by the user. The data could just be a comma delimited file with "name" "up,down,neutral" signals & dates.
53 votes -
Allow the creation of custom stop criteria
Unisearch is a very strong platform for selecting stocks for a portfolio. However in the backtester, the options for selecting which stocks to sell is severely limited. The ability to create custom stop criteria integrated with backtests & autotester would be a powerful expansion of the Vectorvest tool.
42 votes -
Add ProTrader stop/exits to backtesting capability
Enable some technical indicator exits to Portfolio Manager for backtesting.
28 votes -
Allow MTI to be used in Backtester as a timing Indicator AND also allow MTI value to be used as a STOP
Allow MTI to be used in Backtester as a timing Indicator AND also allow MTI value to be used as a STOP
26 votes -
Multiple Stop criteria-Back testing
Allow users to have multiple stop criteria when back testing. Have all stock, sector and industry factors available to select from.
25 votes -
Add Unisearch to backtest stop criteria
Unisearch is a great tool that can be used to finds the best stocks to buy and sell. Unisearch, with a portfolio filter, is a great way to decide when to sell stocks held in your portfolio based on very powerful and complex stop criteria. Enabling Unisearch as a backtest stop criteria would allow users to test the benefit of various "sell criteria"$$$.
24 votes -
backtesting individual stocks in VV7
To backtest individual stocks in VV7 you have to create a watchlist and then create a search that equals your watchlist. It is great that we can backtest a search but it would be great to have the ability to backtest existing watchlists and to create your own list of stocks inside the backtest tab of VV7.
24 votes -
In the Back Testing page allow the user to move Backtests into folders for organizing and sharing
In the Back Testing page allow the user to move Backtests into folders in order to store and organize. This will allow the user to store their results for the future without having to sort through hundreds of back tests. Also along with this allow the user to share their back tests with other users.
23 votes -
Add MTI/BSR/RT/Price Entry & Exit Conditions in BackTester and AutoTester Setup
Add the following conditions to the BackTester/AutoTester Platform upon set-up before the backtest starts to run.
Ability to select condition upon either Entry or Exit :
1) Comparing the MTI value (such as MTI > 1.0)
2) Comparing the BSR value (such as BSR > 1.0)
3) Comparing the RT value (such as RT > 1.0)
4) Compare the color of the VV-Price value (such as color <> Red)So for example, a backtest can be set such as buy when MTI > 1.0
and sell when the MTI <= 1.0Using this VV indicators to determine entry and exit,…
22 votes -
There should be a way to export data from the backtest section of the program without having to print the info.
When accessing the backtest section you can have a list of results from previous backtests. We should be able to export those results to an excel spreadsheet so that we can do further analysis of our results.
19 votes -
Make Backtest sell at end of test period
Currently Backtest does not sell at end of test period - always uses current day close price info for the end date - not next day's open, if checked. Also, does not account for the broker charge on the final sell of the stock.
19 votes -
Allow people to create their own buy/sell signals for the backtester.
Currently only "canned" buy/sell signals can be used, i.e., GLB, GLB/RT, DEW, and CC. For example, right now the HUI "Gold Bugs" index cannot be backtested because there is now way to tell the backtester to buy when the 10 day moving average on the HUI stop price moves about the 65 day HUI stop price MA, and sell when it crosses below.
Some other backtesters allow this. For example, years ago I used Omega Research's Tradestation 2000 on which any buy sell signal could be encoded by the user.
Giving people this flexibility may pose problems for your current…
17 votes
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