Add the ability to post a dollar amount that would automatically calculate the number of shares being purchasedfor individuals who invest th
Many investors buy the same dollar amount for each trade in their portfolio. Provide for a dollar amount that would remain the same until changed. This dollar amount or percentage of the total portfolio would be used to automatically determine the number of shares being purchased for that trade. This would eliminate the investor from having to calculate it as a separate activity for each trade placed.

Colin Carter commented
This could be a new field called "Dollar Turnover" which is 50 day average dollar turnover multiplied by price. If I wanted to buy parcels of $50,000 with a safety turnover margin of 10 times this amount, my dollar turnover parameter in the unisearch would be $500,000. It means I wont miss out on low volume shares with high price and vice versa. In backtester where it says "maximum percentage of a stocks average volume" this would be left unticked, and a backtest would then buy $50,000 each time, not as at present where "10% maximum percentage of a stocks average volume" may buy only a few shares where turnover is low but the share may be highly priced.