Closing Prices
Use the correct closing prices on VV UK so that the VV Rating is based on the correct data. At present many closing prices are incorrect.

AdminDwayne Pohlman (Admin, VectorVest) commented
Thank you for your comment regarding the data for the UK product. The issue regarding the correct closing price is an issue we have had with our current data provider. As of today (1/19/2010) we have switched our data provider to Reuters for EOD pricing. Reuters is one of the top stock market data providers in the world. I believe that you will see that this issue has been eliminated. If not, please let us know.
Dwayne Pohlman
VectorVest Inc. -
Barry Moss commented
For example today 01/18/10 Volex Close UK is 105.5 VV Close is 108.4. Volex moves from 259 Ranked to 1st. RV moves from 1.2 to 1.74 RS from 0.65 to 1.27 RT from 1.6 down! to 1.8 VST from 1.24 to 1.53