50 results found
Improve editing of Timing List - allow for delete of rows, insert, etc.
When editing a timing list, if you make a mistake and need to delete a row (even the last one), it is impossible. It should allow a user to delete/insert rows within a timing list.
7 votes -
1 vote
variator should allow combining searches
This feature could be used in many ways. 1) Make sure all searches are for stocks that have 100K shares traded and $2 price + my variation of searches.
2) Apply a 3x5 MA cross against all searches.
3) Apply a top-sector search against all searches.
4) Apply Stochastic cross againsta all searches (after Stochastic cross is available)This would allow the existing searches to be extended greatly without having to write all new searches, and then the best combinations could be added.
7 votes -
Fix the simulator to test industries and sectors
If you input an industry or sector search into the simulator, it breaks it down to individual stocks, and does not test the industries or sectors by themselves. Fix it
2 votes -
Assigning names to Simulator Runs
In Simulator, after setting up a Simulation and then clicking "Run Simulation", I would like to be prompted for the name of that run before it starts running, instead of the system assigning Run#001, Run#002 etc. This will save time in renaming them later and will help keep runs meaningfully filed, especially when running multiple sims at the same time. Its a small idea, but would be very helpful.
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1 vote
Upgrade simulator backend database and general performance
This is sort of a technical ask. Many times while running simulator - especially if it has been running for a while - the simulations slow down to a crawl. Seems like the execution threads are stuck waiting for some response from the backend database. It is likely that the cause is the old database engine (I believe SQL 2000). With our muticore CPU and multi GB RAM - we should be able to run 10 or 50 simulations at the same time.
17 votes -
Bread tradition and do something for the S*i*m*u*l*a*t*o*r
Those who paid a good sum for the S-i-m-u-l-a-t-o-r have long waited in vain for some love from VV. Break VV tradition and add the ability to see the # of winning runs. Many have voted for it, but the only reaction thus far has been to pretend that s-i-m-ulator users don't have the same need for the totals that you tout for the Derby -- even though those totals have been requested long before the Derby came out.
5 votes -
Add Chandelier stops to Simulator
Please add ability to test Chandelier stops to Simulator and Autotester
15 votes -
Add the ability to choose All Summary Report Info from the Fields Area of the Simulation Results
Add info like number of losers (you already include number of winners and total number), Average dollar amount for Winning Trades & Losing Trades, and Technical Trading Analysis.
2 votes
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