Add ToteBoard totals to Simulator
When running thousands of tests, one currently needs to massage the results in Excel to identify which strategies had the highest # of wins. Make the totals avail. in Tote Board available to the Simulator/Variator. Without them, interpeting lots of runs can be a time-consuming hassle.

We plan to include this in a minor upgrade to the simulator in the coming months. We also have plans for a major overhaul of the simulator / variator, which will integrate it into the VectorVest 7 platform. However, the time frame for that is still to be determined.
Tom Rickenbacker commented
Coming up on 3 years now. The silence has been deafening.
Mads Damsgaard commented
Have you given up on this......
Tom Rickenbacker commented
The coming months now exceed 14 (i.e., since the idea was labeled "planned"). The number of votes for this would have been greater, but the vote count stopped increasing after the "planned" status was assigned to this suggestion. Since the upgrade is "minor", why not throw us the promised bone? As you probably realize by now, a robust Simulator for VV7 is just not feasible on the cloud -- which, I suspect, is why that VV7 Simulator is probably not yet in development.
John Beardall commented
Please move up the priority on upgrading the Simulator/Variator to work with VV7. This tool was a major investment that is now becoming outdated since it isn't supported on the latest platform. Thank you.
Dennis Anderson commented
The Planned Upgrade sounds great. Please Please Please make it come soon!!!!!
Mark Aldrich commented
The upgrade status has been "planned" for quite a while. Paul, or someone from VectorVest, is there a rough timetable you could share with us? Thanks Mark
Henry Schade commented
Good people at VV-HQ -- ANY update on this long promised upgrade (albeit a minor one) would be much appreciated!!!
Tom Rickenbacker commented
This "minor upgrade" was promised in December 2009. So far, nothing. Are "the coming months" the equivalent of "someday" (i.e., "never")?
Tom Rickenbacker commented
No. If you run literally thousands of tests, there is no quick way to find which strategies had the highest percentages of winning runs -- consistency of winnig runs which I value more than % of winning stocks within the portflios. Your people know the value of the totals for the Tote Board. Why don't you concede that those totals are just as important to the Simulator -- all three of them as demonstrated in at least two of the Strategy of the Week discussions.
I've been here before with three VV instructors pretending in class that these totals are functionally available but backing down in after-the-class discussions. They aren't and at least some of your staff knows they aren't.