Live market data for ASX
It would be great if we could have live market data for the asx even if it is hourly or less frequent rather than having to wait until the end of the day

Anonymous commented
Wayne Thurecht
The lack of a timely update also means that any trade that we wish to record is recorded with the prior days date rather than the current date. -
Anonymous commented
I am not sure as to why my previous comment was anonymous.
Anonymous commented
Yes please. Waiting till around 9:00 pm of a night and even worse for Friday night is annoying. I would be happy to pay a little extra as apparently this capability is available for the US market.
Cameron Warr commented
Benjamin Mills commented
how about having an indicator for the ASX Australian market so you can see the asx live in real time using the vector vest system so you can place your trades on the same day and not a day behind
Lidia Macedo commented
Yes please can we have this