Making posting our own portfolios easier
When creating a personal portfolio and you do not work with the brokers that Vector Vest works with (my broker is one of the largest TD Ameritrade), the software forces you to enter an investment amount and then asks you to enter stock by stock to complete it. Once the investment amount has been entered it can not be changed or edited again. A personal portfolio may include other assets such as options so the total value may reflect different types of assets some of which may be well covered by Vector Vest and while others not so. This forces you to add up all the stock positions beforehand to enter the investment amount that matches your brokerage account which is inconvenient.
It would be easier if the software would allow simply entering the trades currently in the personal portfolio and then compute automatically the investment total based on the information entered for the different stocks and available cash and make that information easy to edit so that one has an easier time to match the actual brokerage account totals with the total investment in Vector Vest portfolio.
Anonymous commented
If the initial investment amount could be edited, this would allow for additions and reductions to the available cash balance for manual edits of the portfolio.