754 results found
Stop Loss
I would like an automatic ATR stop calculated that is selectable. For example, a 2X ATR stop is displayed along with the VV stop price. We need more ways of quickly keeping our profits and minimizing losses.
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How can I delete reports from the Stock Analysis tab?
I can access new reports ok but can't get rid of those I don't want to keep. How do I do that?
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Overview: Move Market Indices to "Analysis Section"
Market indices should be under 'Analysis' on the left
2 votesAngel Clark responded
The indices are on the Overview page because they reflect overall market direction. In europe there are just quite a few more than in other countries.
marked carped
i would like a short overwiew as a market carped, or short list with actual ratings of the stocks in the portfolio.
2 votesAngel Clark responded
I’m not sure what this means, please elaborate. The market guidance is in the video and every stock in every watchlist has a buy/sell or hold rating, VST rating, safety rating, etc.
Overview: Add shortcut to Portfolios
At the bottom of the screen we have a button to take us to our watch lists could we also have another button to take us to our portfolios. A quicker way to get to them?
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Featured Watchlist does not play
Tapping the icon does not bring up the watchlist.
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2 votes
Password: Remind user that special characters not accepted
A general pet peeve - most sites allow for special characters, many require at least one, as well as an uppercase letter or certain amount of numbers, etc....
It would be helpful if when a Pswrd is typed incorrectly (2x perhaps) that a reminder pop up regarding the specific qualifiers be shown. For example "only letters or numbers" or "password must be (this many) digits.
The amount of times I've reset a password because I forgot some specific requirement about the a particular website is so unnecessary.
Again, this is a universal annoyance I've experienced on many sites but it…
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market timing graph too big
so the text cannot be read fully on 4g iphone. few puxels can help...
2 votesAngel Clark responded
Could you send a screenshot?
More Info Section
More info section reads "Tap the "Analyze" tab below to get a detailed report on your stocks, or tap the "Subscribe" tab to get full access!" But on iPhone app you need to click on the menu to the left and then select analyze stocks.
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Colorguard report
Since Friday the screen on the daily report is too small & difficult to read. Tried logging in / out, etc but no results.
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South africa top 100 stocks
Offer the same on South Africa JSE top 100 stocks
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Swing trading/Options
Would like if VV could initiate option imbalances, Call/Put walls and expected range im not sure if that might be in the future or not but options has a large affect on the market
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?