Splendid SPDR Video Validity
The stocks in the ETFs can change daily and are only reported monthly.
So the stocks in the most recent contents were probably applicable to Nov. 2011 and in actual case are probably still correct in late December.
The Video used those stocks for a period of years and it is possible that many of the stocks on the list were NOT in these sectors top 10 in those early years.
If you look at the equity curve, it is obvious that there was little improvement in equity for the first half of the years.
To be representative of the true nature of the stocks in the example, you would have to update the stock list every month and I am sure that there would have been a significant improvement in the early years equity slope.
I am NOT criticizing the concept, rather I am just pointing out the fact that it is not applicable to apply a fixed set of stocks to a period when they were likely not applicable.
I have created the entire 00SPDR Watchlist on my account.
It would make a nice presentation, when you compare strategies, that you would overlay the equity curves of the different strategies so one could compare the time performance rather than the total results. I should think that this would improve the Video.

Edward Popham commented
Agree, the video did not make that clear about the SPDR list. Also the title does not allow ignorant people to find the new strategy developed i.e. S&P500 sorted by Stop and the 50/10 G/L Stop.