19 results found
26 votes
open up VV express so people with IMAC can use the research and be able to double click on an indust
19 votes -
11 votes
Allow ability to view individual stock's technical indicators, like MACD & ADX with intraday charts
This would be great, because if I needed to leave my computer and go somewhere, I could continue to track my day trades on my phone. I could still be able to watch the tech indicators and know if I should exit a position. Right now, I can use the VV app to track the Market timing graph (which is awesome), and my postion's pricing, portfolio etc. But I use the tech indicators to make my decisions on all, so this added feature would really be great!!
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4 votes
Angel Clark responded
VectorVest Express is simply a website. It works on any computer with any Operating System. If you are having trouble with it though, please contact support at 1-888-658-7638. If you are using our app, then it may only be opened on an iphone or ipad.
4 votes
view portfolios in vectorvest express
cannot view portfolios in vectorvest express
3 votes -
Angel's Wings.................................9.30% Total % GainBullish...
Why can't it be found in the searches under the Unisearch????
Lot of good to mention things in the Views if they are not available!
Don't you have any QA department?3 votes -
Under the preconfigured searchs fill out the comments!
For instance you have "Optionable 2x4s" What is that supposed to mean? Under the W-O-W list there is an explanation of what "W-O-W" means? Why are all the rest missing? And why are there two "My Watch Lists"? There are also too few watchlists.. VectorVest US is loaded with different ones that are not available on VectorVest Express.. Why are those excluded? I don't day trade so all I need is End Of Day data.. VectorVest is not worth what I am seeing.
3 votes -
Improve the App spead and reliability
Often times when I open the VV app on my iphone it freezes up and I CANNOT get it to do anything. I've figured out (over time) that the only way to be able to use it again after it does this, is to delete the app entirely and then download it again. A major pain in the butt. Other times it just gets stuck on one particular page for long periods of time. I would really like to see this improved so it's reliable.
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3 votes
3 votes
What good is a day old color guard information ?
What good is day old color guard information ?
2 votesAngel Clark responded
Quite good. VectorVest was end of day only for more than 15 years. It signals the potential beginning of a trend. Unless, you are a day trader (which would still not favor that signal) the end of the day signal is just the beginning. However, real time colorguard info is available with a subscription to VectorVest RealTime
2 votes
comeback kids
Please add The Comeback Kids DR to the Express Program.
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1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
add column next to dy specifying div.paid Mo.-Q-semi annual-annual , irreg or 0
add column next to DY column-M(monthly),Q(quarterly)SA(semi annual)A(annual)I(irregular) or 0 whatever it is would be the letter in the column afterDY column
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?