344 search results
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The function 'annualised return per share' needs adding to the portfolio section.
Quarterly earnings field or column as part of VV7.
On BSR Graph, show data to 3 decimal places
REITs are evaluated based on FFO and not EPS. For REITS, please replace EPS data in your database with FFO (or AFFO). Much more usefull.
Technical Analysis · completed
Provide the Sharpe Ratio or Calamar data in your AutoTester.
Real-Time Data needs to be available BEFORE 8 AM
Please provide an alpha data value for each stock in VectorVest
Missing data
Add Filter to Each Column in Unisearch: like in Excel, I would like to filter out variables
watchlist data · completed
A histogram rather than a line on vv7 similar to the macd indicate obv
Wrong data
Add the trin or arms ratio data on a daily basis
Allow the exportation of daily minute by minute data in a data file for use by Mathematica
Simple Up-coming Earning Date on the Extended Data list
I would like you to add "FANZ" to the ETF data base.
Please enter stock symbol VMD (Viemed healthcare stock) into the data base.