343 search results
Include a new field which is the ROI (ROIC) and possibly ROE as well.
Add WatchList Average Graph · completed
fix bug: minigraph goes into an infinite loop: change vvc rt 9 months to adv/decline & hit OK · completed
VV EPS values versus Yahoo
Current ratio
Export capability for the backtest summary page
Eliminate ProGraphics by having it integrated into VectorVest 7, invoked by disconnecting from web.
40 day moving av question
Fibonacci Retacement Style Dialog Box - add lines
show dividends paid on the portfoliodisplay next to ROI
Cursor placement #1
Seasonality Graph
Weekly Charts · completed
Cursor placement #1
place a market call up/down arrow in a prominent spot on the home page
A search field that can find anything and take you there
Fix Bug in portfolio value reporting · completed
Is it possible to add HULL moving average to vector vest. It give better results in the back testing than the simple, exponential and weight
incorporate automatic portfolio entry and updates via yodlee or similar
Add Ex Dividend Date · completed