343 search results
Incorrect Market cap data issues
add PSDO to data base.
add GBTC to data base
Display more historical data in the Derby Tote Board
Start data stream at 0700 for pre market accurate info
Please update end of day data by 6PM
Add Data Feeds for CSE Canadian Securities Exchange
To be able to sort the data in the watchlist
Please add UPLMQ to data base.
In Protrader, allow the ability to query Moving Average crossovers for Custom Fields, for example RT 10 day MA crossing over RT 40 day MA.
Include intraday updating data for RUT
Please add EFRFF to Data Dase.
moving lines of data in portfolios
Dividend data is too often incorrect
Live market data (no time delays)
Simple Up-coming Earning Date on the Extended Data list
you should clearly indicate when the end of day data has been updated, I was checking stocks only to realise the data had not been updated
Add the trin or arms ratio data on a daily basis
Please provide an alpha data value for each stock in VectorVest
Start Streaming Real Time Data at 7am ET