Portfolios: Hide/Seperate Model Portfolios from personal portfolios
Have an option to turn off the VV portfolios.
Tom Homsley commented
In Portfolios under Extended Data I like the old way that shows date bought for each stock. The horizontal boxes that group together e.g. Dividend data are easier to read than the list of data.
Gerald Delacey commented
In my portfolio it shows a red bar alongside one of the shares MACF, but that is currently rated a BUY, neither has it triggered a sell instruction in my Genius settings, so it is an anolmoly, please explain why appears to generate a sell bar???
No provision to see any recommended buys or sells if using genius module, there should be some indication shown if clients are using that in constructing their portfolios automatically.
Peter Lany commented
I use Genius and Autotimer to issue buy and sell for portfolios on my desktop. I need to see those calls on my iPad to take action as soon as possible.
Peter Lany commented
Missing Portfolios in general left side menu. My Portfolio is showing all portfolios, built in and mine together
Brian Palmer commented
Add buy, hold, & sell (B,H,S) signals on individual portfolio positions with out having to click on each position to see full report.
Anonymous commented
I am entering my code and the system does not recognize the code. It's saying that it is not 'recognized '. Therefore, I can not enter to test the app.
Thank you -
Petra Hess commented
When I go into a portfolio and press on the graph of one of the holdings and then turn for landscape it switches to the equity curve for the portfolio. You cannot see a landscape graph of your individual positions.
Colin commented
Add an option to delete portfolio