105 results found
Stock Alerts
For each portfolio stock would like to be able to set a price alert based on absolute price limits I set or based on atr . If I'm out and about I'm not watching price
153 votes -
Linked Brokerage/Trading Account: It would be great to trade with a linked account using this app
I'd like to execute my portafolio orders from the phone and directly from VV as it comes up.
73 votesThis feature is now available in both the android and iOS versions of VectorVest Stock Advisory!
Graphs: Add Technical indicators
Any plans for technical indicators on the charts?
50 votesIn the latest release, we’ve added:
Moving Averages (Simple, Weighted, & Exponential)
Automatic Support & Resistance
DPOMore Technical Indicators are planned. If there are specific indicators you would like that we haven’t added, please add requests for each to help us prioritize.
Unisearch or Stock Screener
Access needed to run searches
47 votesStock screens are now available in both the iOS and Android versions of VectorVest Stock Advisory.
Touch ID login
The current app does not permit Touch ID login. Even banking apps now offer this convenience. Is this on the feature list?
42 votes -
Extended hours feature
Using this app before market opens to see adv./decl. BSR etc.
39 votesThis is now available! Go to Settings —> General Settings, and select “Use Extended Hours”
Overview: Add back 5 Days of Color Guard
The original VectorVest app has so much more information on the opening page. Multiple days could be seen at a glance showing trends between red, yellow and green.
31 votes -
How to unsubscribe
I want to unsubscribe. I’m within my free trial period, and do not want to continue. Please advise. There is no unsubscribe button, nor account settings I can access within the app.
23 votesIf you signed up through an iOS device, you have to unsubscribe through the iOS device as well. Go to the Store app, open your Account Settings (on the top right), and scroll down to Subscriptions. The subscription can be cancelled from there.
If you have any trouble, our support department can walk you through the process.
23 votes
This is now available!
Landscape mode in iPad
First order for programmers is to enable output view rotated to landscape. Portrait view is only useful for handheld operations which for this user is only about 10% of use
21 votes -
18 votes
Swipe left and right
Every time I click on a watchlist and click to view a stock I'm forced to click back then scroll down the list to view the next stock. Is it possible to add the ability to scroll left and right when viewing a stock to then view the previous and next stock in the list?
16 votes -
Portfolios: Hide/Seperate Model Portfolios from personal portfolios
Have an option to turn off the VV portfolios.
16 votesFixed
14 votes
the new app has the views. Access them from the menu. If you are a subscriber and do not see them, then you will need to update your version.
Portfolios: Charts from within portfolios
Glitch in viewing individual stock charts from portfolio view. Returns the EOD area chart for the portfolio not stock
11 votes -
Watchlists: Don't limit Watchlist to 25 stocks
Why the limitation?
10 votes -
Change Regions: Improve navigation / Ease of use
It would be nice to have the option of switching regions
10 votes -
7 votes
View more than one market
I have stocks in the Canadian and American market, one big flaw in this app is that you cannot select multiple markets unless I am missing something. This app is useless if I can't track all my investments
5 votesYou can access additional markets through the flag on the menu, or through settings —> select market
Portfolios: Color on left side of each stock should represent Buy Sell or Hold Recommendation
I thought this color was for buy, sell or hold. Doesn't seem to be. Is this a bug or my misunderstanding?
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?