How to unsubscribe
I want to unsubscribe. I’m within my free trial period, and do not want to continue. Please advise. There is no unsubscribe button, nor account settings I can access within the app.
If you signed up through an iOS device, you have to unsubscribe through the iOS device as well. Go to the Store app, open your Account Settings (on the top right), and scroll down to Subscriptions. The subscription can be cancelled from there.
If you have any trouble, our support department can walk you through the process.
Mobile commented
The apps doesn’t support SINGAPORE penny stocks. I want to unsubscribe during trial period with immediate effect but cannot find unsubscribe button in the apps. Please let me know, I don’t want to to charged when it expires.
Mobile commented
I want to unsubscribe during trial as I don’t want to be charged. How to do it? I can’t find unsubscribe button in the apps.
Anonymous commented
I’m trying to unsubscribe from the premium service and don’t see an option on how to do so within the app. I’ve reached out through email hoping they answer
Mobile commented
this is stupid. I am trying to unsubcribe from this service but the system generates cryptic messages and vanishing messages. absolutely stupid!!!!!!
Jason commented
No reply at all?
Mobile 54chucks commented
I just signed up and found that none of my penny stocks are supported. I'd like to unsubscribe.
Jason commented
How to unsubscribe? There is no unsubscribe button in the app. Thanks.
Mobile Lousyjester commented
How can I unsubscribe