Stock Alerts
For each portfolio stock would like to be able to set a price alert based on absolute price limits I set or based on atr . If I'm out and about I'm not watching price
Anonymous commented
Apple and amazon crap stock lately the last 1 Or 3 months their is no way amazon isn’t making tons of money why are the stockholders absorbing losses ??
Mobile commented
☆☆☆☆☆ This Rating is Justified
Mr.M commented
An ultimate version of this app with real time guotes and an automated roboadviser..
Thomas commented
TNK should not a buy. They are doing so poor and one of the worst stock I ever own.
Anonymous commented
Hi, is there anyway I can get stock buy alert to trade via email and text.
Does VV gives option trade alert.
Thank you -
Anonymous commented
Apple should not be a buy. It is doing very poorly.
JCC commented
Robotrader feature would be really nice. Get buy and sell signals on stocks your watching.
This would be awesome.
Jerry Sears commented
Alerts. For. Change of recommendation
Miguelo commented
Great idea Anja
Anonymous commented
Would like to connect to my VV account so I could click my watchlists and portfolios over from my computer to my iPad......Thanks, George Fulenwider. 270-485-2151
Anonymous commented
Definitely this would be very useful!
Anja commented
Customizable notifications. Like when it's a great time to buy or when I should sell. Also, alerts to buy highly rated stocks.
Anonymous commented
Alerts when stop loss recalculated for stocks in portfolios where distance between stop and price has reduced by configurable value, percentage of price, or has been breached
Anonymous commented
Alerts/notifications for update on user specified stock metrics (rating change, price, etc) would be nice
Anonymous commented
I think that is very important
Mike Rundell commented
Agreed stop losses is an area that VV need to review. It is an area of weakness and the ability to risk rate stocks in terms of distance from multiple stops would be great