Linked Brokerage/Trading Account: It would be great to trade with a linked account using this app
I'd like to execute my portafolio orders from the phone and directly from VV as it comes up.
shared this idea
This feature is now available in both the android and iOS versions of VectorVest Stock Advisory!
Ron commented
Will one be able to buy, moremportant, sell from IPad or IPhone?
Charleen commented
Would live to be able to make trades to the connected vendors like Trade King from my phone. Is that possible?
John De Goldi commented
Love this idea, people are using mobile devices more now and being able to trade would be fantastic.
wsdacus commented
I agree, would like to see this feature
Anonymous commented
Adding trading from VV would greatly increase usefulness of this application
William Powers commented
Great idea
Anonymous commented
RoboTrader for mobile would be a great feature.
Concezio Letterio commented
Great idea