Ranking of Stocks
I would like to see each stock in a VST ordered Viewer list to show its rank for that day i.e. the stock with the highest VST would be ranked one, second highest 2 and so on. In an adjacent column it would be very helpful to show the VST rank of each stock a week before. This would immediately show how far the stock has risen or fallen in the last 7 days.
This information would be invaluable in instantly spotting shares that are trending up or down and would encourage users to scroll down the viewer list to identify the big up and down movers for further investigation.
Additionally it would be great if the rank position could be used in unisearch so that a shares ranking position could be tracked over a period of. time. For example a search could show which shares have climbed or fallen the most in a period of time.
I think the value of this feature would be much appreciated by users in highlighting stocks that are on their way to the top of the VST list well before they arrive there. It is good to know the top VST stocks today, it would be even better to see how they progressed to arrive at that elevated position.
Thank you for considering this feature