344 search results
allow the backtest listing data to be copied into spreadsheet or clipboard
Add EMA for Weekly crossovers in ProTrader
Daily Color Guard Report Improvements
historical data default EOD
Please update end of day data by 6PM
Upgrade simulator backend database and general performance
ADX , +DI, -DI parameters
Build "Searches" of all ETFs, with and without the leveraged funds
Cash flow
Allow VV7 Proxy Settings to be customized · planned
use double click on a stock line to bring up graph, rather than the industry data.
Allow people to create their own buy/sell signals for the backtester.
'GraphControlPanel' Let Right numbers FLOAT w/Right Justify. This should enable the BLANK Space to Shrink Instead of LOSING the data.
Add more historical data to BackTester
Fibonacci Retacement Style Dialog Box - add lines
place a market call up/down arrow in a prominent spot on the home page
Add Data Feeds for CSE Canadian Securities Exchange
Ex-Dividend date and Earnings date on the Extended Data List
Include Balance sheet data in the database. In particular book value = Assets - Liabilities