60 results found
Give each stock on performance graph a different color line automatically.
Frequently all stocks are assigned white lines making it hard to identify what's what unless you make manual changes.
1 vote -
on graph page, add a field that tells one how much up or down the security is from yesterday's close
Yes, there is a open, high, low, close and there is a candle, but I would like to see a numerical figure somewhere that tells one instantly how much that security is up or down for the day
2 votesIn the Add Parameter list, there is a field Change, in the Price/Volume section. This will show the change from yesterday’s close.
1 vote
This feature already exists in VectorVest 7.
1 vote
This feature already exists in VectorVest 7.
make the graph frequency "weekly" actually "weekly (eg. Tuesday to Tuesday, Wednesday to Wednesday).
1 voteIn VectorVest 7, the new Weekly graphs run from Friday to Friday. End Of Week graphs are also still available in VectorVest 7 which includes only the Friday data of each week.
fix bug: minigraph goes into an infinite loop: change vvc rt 9 months to adv/decline & hit OK
I wanted to see 9 months of advance/decline data. Since I couldn't change the advance/decline minigraph to 9 months, I took the "VVC RT" graph and changed it to 9 months, and then I changed the "VVC RT" into Advance/decline. I got an "Index out of range" error message. I clicked on "OK", then the mini graph whent into an infinite look saying "Loading data".
I think you should have a "0" vote for a bug fix - or increase my number of votes. Otherwise I won't be able to tell you about any more bugs I might find.
1 voteThis issue is now fixed in Version 1.1.7 of VectorVest 7 which is currently being rolled out to customers.
I would like to see an option to show DEW timing markers on the graphs
I like the Markers on the graphs showing Market up/down but I'd like an option to show either standard markers or DEW markers.
11 votesThis feature is now included in Version 1.1.8 of VectorVest 7.
The Confirmed Calls button on the lower toolbar of a graph has an arrow that allows it to be changed to either the Primary Wave or the DEW Timing Markers.
Protrader stochastic 3 independent parameters
Modify the parameters set for stochastic to include the required 3 independent paramters:
Period (look back), n
Fast stochastic, k
Slow stochastic, m
Most charting software inlud these 3 independent parameters as follows:
Period (look back), n
%K (Fast stcochastic), k
%D (Slow stochastic), m
Period (look back), n = 14
%K (Fast stcochastic), k = 5
%D (Slow stochastic), m = 4
A typical charting software is found at
In Protrader, I could not set the 3 independent parameters as in the exampla above. This type of parameters et flexibility is necessary to apply stochastic analysis to…
1 voteThese parameters are available for Stochastic Oscillators in our latest product VectorVest 7.
For a free upgrade to VectorVest 7, use the following link:
http://www.vectorvest.com/vv7upgrade -
Zoom on VV7 Protrader Graph
It would help to see the details of the graph.
1 voteThere are multiple ways to zoom in on a graph in VV7. The following Training site has a great Graphs video showing all the ways that you can easily zoom and pan a graph in VV7.
Let us know if you have any questions…
Enable Free space on the right side of Graphs
Allow 1/2" of free space on right side of graph to better view todays close.
1 voteThis featured has been added as a part of VectorVest 7.
To increase the space on the right-side of the graph, click on the Settings button at the top-right of the application. In the Graphs tab of Settings, increase the value in the Right Margin textbox to the percentage size desired.
Weekly Charts
Proper weekly charts must show the price Entire weeks price action.Open ,High,Low and close.From Monday thru Friday.ALL chart servces use display weekly data in this manner.I have been fighting Vector Vest on this for months.
3 votesIn VectorVest 7, we have added a new Weekly chart, showing the data for the entire week. If you aren’t using VectorVest 7, try a free 30 day trial with the link below:
bug report >> Realtime Charts
bug report
Realtime Charts in my Portfolio >>
I add Support / Resistance lines, add NOTES comments when I buy & sell etc. Then I log-off normally... USUALLY these notes are preserved and come back the next day when I log-in.
But about 20% of the time.. I loose new comments and new lines on some or all of the Charts I hag updated. THe old infor is still there , but new data disappears... then I have to re-enter it before I can see where I am in the trade.. Very time consuming & does not help my trading...…1 voteThis issue is fixed in the latest version of VectorVest 7.
On Stock Graphs include the confirmed up/down signals as markers.
I would love to see the confirmed up/down signals on the Market Timing graph availabe to all graphs - especially the individual stock graphs. The toggle could be a "marker" choice/feature.
This would be very helpful when backtesting performance by individual investment. The visual representation of the impact of the market timing call would be clearly illustrated.
3 votesWe have added this feature to VectorVest 7’s graphs and it is now available. If you haven’t tried VectorVest 7 yet, follow the link below for a 30 day free trial:
1 vote
This feature has been added to VectorVest 7.
Drawing vertical lines
I would like to draw one or more vertical lines over the whole chart and leave it there until I delete it
1 voteThis drawing feature is available in VectorVest 7 graphs. If you haven’t tried VectorVest 7 yet, here is a link to try it:
Graphing - Cursor Style
Please provide the following types of cursor settings in the graph mode - vertical line, horizontal line, full (vert+horiz line).
1 voteThese cursors as well as the Dateline are included in Graphs with our newest product VectorVest 7. If you have yet to try VectorVest 7, here is a link:
ProTrader DPO wrong in first 40 days of chart
Warn users that DPO must be read 40 days and more into the ProTrader chart to be accurate.
1 voteWe have fixed this issue in VectorVest 7.
2 votes
This is now possible in our newest product VectorVest 7. In VectorVest 7 graphs you can graph as many indicators as you’d like.
If you haven’t tried VectorVest 7 yet, here is a link:
http://www.vectorvest.com/VV7Upgrade -
1 vote
1 vote
In VectorVest 7, ADX and Directional Movement display in the same graph axis. To upgrade to VectorVest 7, use the following link:
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