10 results found
whenever a stock achieves a RT rating above 1.0, a majority of those stock prices continue to rise. but I'm unaware of the improvement.
Being notified whenever ANY stock's RT factor rises above 1.0 because most of those stocks continue to advance in price. Without this info. if is very likely that
I miss a possible portfolio gain. I don't notice the RT improvement until I happen
to look at a stock's chart that I see the RT advance and by then the stock price has (in most cases) already gained in value.1 voteThis is available with the Super Watchdog plugin. Simply set up a super watchdog using the “RT Crossover: Bullish” search
Change in REC notification
Need a way to instantly see which stocks/etf's have had a new change in REC on a daily basis.
2 votesCheck out our existing searches in the “Trends – New Stuff” group on the UniSearch tab… “New Buys”, etc.
Make it work on a MAC and iOS please. Express doesn't even come close.
Please add the capability to filter for only weekly options.
5 votesWe’re proud to announce that VectorVest 7 is now available on Mac OS X 10.7 and later! This solution no longer requires a separate partition or installing Parallels Desktop + Windows. Instead, we use a remote server to host VectorVest 7.
Subscribers will install Parallels RAS Client (free app) to access our software. To start using it, go to vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/mac.
2 votes
Moving Average Custom Fields are now available in VectorVest 7 for all ProTrader users.
2 votes
To export the Stock Viewer results, right-click on the grid, select Export to .csv at the bottom of the list. And choose whether you would like to export all of the rows or just the selected rows.
It will be exported as a .csv file which is readable in Excel.
Integrate VectorVest RealTime with brokers and existing trading platform to trigger trades.
I would like to see RT integrated with existing broker or trading platforms to execute trades. I do not think it is valuable for VV to become a trading platform in itself, but integrate to existing platforms.
319 votesTrading is now available in VectorVest 7 with the new Trade Now feature. Right-click on any stock and click Trade Now to place a trade.
We currently support trading through TradeKing and will be adding more brokerages in the future.
This update is still rolling out to customers, but if you would like to download it now, go to: http://www.vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/
If you have a specific brokerage you would like supported, add it as a new Idea (or vote for it if it already exists) on this feedback site.
A new tool that would search for Support Bounces or Resistance touches ,
What I would like to see is a new tool that would search for Support Bounces or Resistance touches , W patterns.cup and handles, etc with just a click of the mouse. I would like to Search the Sectors, Industries, and watchlist, either mine or Vector Vest's..
336 votesThis feature is now available in version 1.1.8 of VectorVest 7. You must have ProTrader to get access to this new and exciting feature. If you have not already been prompted to download the new version here is a link to get it.
Include moving averages in custom parameters
Especially interested in price 50 day MA and 200 day MA
220 votesCustom Moving Averages in Custom Fields is now available in VectorVest 7. The update will be rolling out over the next few days. To install it now, download the update from http://www.vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7
678 votes
Earnings Release Dates have been added to the latest version of VectorVest 7! Earnings Release Dates are available in Graphs, UniSearch, Viewers, and Portfolios.
To learn more about this new release, check out the release notes: https://www.vectorvest.com/vectorvest-7-version-1-47/
This release will be rolled out to users this week. It can also be downloaded here: https://www.vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7
Add Ex Dividend Date
you give lots of data on the spreadsheets including dividend yeild but you dont give dividend dates. to be more streamlined, so investors dont have to search the net for the info, it would be nice to include at least the ex dividend date
327 votesDividend Dates are now available in the latest update to VectorVest 7 which is currently being rolled out.
Ex-Dividend Dates and Dividend Payout Dates can be accessed in three ways.
For a printable list of dividend dates, use the new Dividends Viewer in the Viewers tab.
To view historic Dividend Ex-Dates and Payout Dates in a graph, click on the Dividends button at the bottom-left of a graph.
To run a search for stocks with upcoming Dividend Dates in Unisearch, use the new field Dividend (Ex-Date) in the Dividend Analysis group.
Let us know what you think of this new feature and vote for other ideas, so we can continue to add the features you want….
- Don't see your idea?