As I was typing out a form the other day for an app and I was typing in my email it started coming up a different which I’ve never made an account to with my identity of my email on it and then it also came up with an email, the same and adding CE after Gmail, which is not me my identity that I had signed up with is then I had asked you to email everything to this other email address because of being hacked on my other phone, which was 440-983-7438 but then I text you and ask if you would send it to this email instead because of being hacked, which is on the phone number of 440-361-1974 no I have not changed that email address to any other place other than Gmail and have not added anything or changed anything from what I have typed here but yet I’m not receiving your information getting it three days later. I just had taken your information on my phone for your two months for $40 it was a special price or $20 I’m paying every month $19.99 right now. out of my checking account from Andover Bank which I have not changed either. I think you need to do a video clip on your identity when people sign up that way you know who they are I have facial recognition on my phone now but anybody can hold a picture up in front of it and get into my phone which is an iPhone 14 where it’s facial recognition with moving and actually physically seeing somebody when they sign up, makes a big difference they’re less likely to be hacked and their identity stolen because my identity has been stolen. Microsoft doesn’t even recognize me, but yet I’m the same person that opened up the account back 20 years ago and my pictures of my mother and I were standing by Niagara Falls when I was about 22 years old we were on our honeymoon and my father had died during that time frame and my mother was alone so we took her with us and then we came back and finished our marriage and honeymoon because we had not gone on one at the time when we got gotten married because of work situation. my identity has been stolen and I do have a police report out there with the Jefferson sheriff department in Jefferson Ohio. The file number is 22–01423 and I do have a fraud alert on my credit reports. My identity has been stolen clear back from 2005. I’ve made two official police reports one and 2005 and one just to be part a year ago or a year and a half ago it’s been my identity is still being stolen. My house was broken into. Could you please make sure your reports come to this number of 440-361-1974. You can text me on this number as well. Thank you very much for your time. I am also a private officer using an email address of where are these? These letters are capitalized at is how I have it set up on my phone. If it goes through any other way, it doesn’t come to me IT says it doesn’t make a difference but I told him it does they tried it themselves and found out it does make a difference, when they’re not capitalized, I don’t receive it but if the letters are capitalized, I received the emails. And that was AT&T with technical support. They never knew that they told me but I’ve always capitalized my letters to begin with and if you text me the message come to me on my phone thank you very much
Deborah Ann Siefer. Oh, I always use my middle name as well. I am not asking for anything with bitcoin. This is someone trying to hack me again it looks like.