95 results found
Custom Homepage Layouts
Similiar to the graph layouts. To prevent from having to remember what you had on the homepage if its reset to default
2 votes -
access stock news and other context menu items by symbol
similar to the Quick Lookup on the home page...need a way to quickly access other right button context menu items by entering the equity symbol. currently have to go to the viewer...find the equity and then right button click to jump to news and other items not currently found on the home page left banner menu.
11 votes -
Label PRICE in Color guard as VVC - all other columns RT and BSR are called what they are labeled
On Color Guard, as a newbie found it confusing as the PRICE column is actually the VVC. Finally caught on. Other columns like RT and BSR are called what they are labelled, so why not label PRICE as VVC to keep clear? Or maybe even PRICE (VVC)
3 votes -
How about putting an "elapsed days" column in the Color Guard table showing days passed since last market call (confirmed up or down)
An "elapsed days" since current Confirmed Up/Down call would be an "at a glance" indication of how old the current market condition might be.
1 vote -
Highlight the Dates in the Color Guard that are 5 and 10 trading days ago.
Highlighting these two dates with a different color font or a different cell background color would help to quickly spot which cells are involved in the color, primary wave and confirmed rules.
2 votes -
add a logout button to express version
Because I am a Mac user I am stuck using the express version. There is no logout option in this version.
1 vote -
add capability to take the Vectorvest at a Glance gadget on the home page back in time
add capability to take the Vectorvest at a Glance gadget on the home page back in time
1 vote -
On Express - why can't you make the window pane 'expandable' so I can read the Daily news stuff without having to constantly scroll down eve
Allow me to open up the Strategy window pane to be able to read it, without having to constantly scroll it down every other sentence. VERY user unfriendly. Thanx.
1 vote -
Add Quicklist intraday data for the major market indices in VV7 EOD, like there is in VV Online
Add Quicklist intraday data for the major market indices in VV7 EOD, like there is in VV Online (15 min delayed market data on homepage)
2 votes -
Quicklist-- make the column width narrower to see %change without scrolling across
With narrower column width and abreviating the names you could eliminate the horizontal scroll bar
3 votes -
1 vote
Personal Notation area on home page
I am a new user, and would love to have on the front page an area I could make notes that I could review when I am on the front page.
For example, I just learned that a bottom is defined when the:
MTI: is below .60, and the BSR is below .20If I could make this note on the front page, then when I looked at the MTI & BSR they would have greater meaning for me.
Love the web site, wish I had found you sooner, Glad I am on board now, by the way, you support…
1 vote -
customise quicklist
Can you add 'VST' column in the Quick List. It will help us to follow the quality of stocks we are following.
1 vote -
Primary Trend as separate column in ColorGuard
With the 5/27/11 Strategy I read about PRIMARY TREND, and using that to go long or short. Hmm...I think ok whats that?
I am used to red/green, used to above 1 or under 1. But I had to call and ask what is Primary Trend. I am told to look at the trend column, then look at the first half of that column. I also notice with 7.0 theres tons of space there. SO WHY NOT PUT A HEADER PRIMARY TREND? That way newbies or those new to that term dont have to call, and dont have to remember what…1 vote -
Previous Day's Close line on Homepage Graphs
Add an option to show the Previous Day's Close line (like Initial Investment) on the Mini-Portfolio widget available on the Home Page
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1 vote
Create new volume & high/low gadgets
I love the charts for advance /decline and
for the bsr. Could you create similar gad-
gets for up/dn volume and for new high's
new lows2 votes -
Would like to place & adjust stock symbols so they are in alphabetical order on stock ticker gadget.
1 vote -
Symbol alpha sort or price sort the stock ticker
it would be great if we could put the stock ticker in alphabetical order or price order
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?