61 results found
166 votes
Add real time option prices
Fetch market prices for options just as you do stock prices. Currently prices in VV are calclated. Along with option prices show implied volatility.
60 votes -
Covered Call Portfolio
Provide a covered call portfolio under the VV portfolio models with the expiration date and strike price or provide the covered calls that VV is holding in the Vector Vest weekly news News letter
50 votes -
Options Rate of Return: Search and Sort on ORR Values
In the Options rate of return screen, I would like to filter out Volatility, I perfer to look at Volatility between 35.00%-50.00% I think this would save me alot of time.
43 votes -
modify the option pricing model to list strike prices in $1 increments. The $2.50 model is outdated.
38 votes -
Option Analyzer Tutorial Needed
I have found few tutorials for this product in Vector Vest. The online version of the instruction for Options Tools is from 2005 using Pro Graphics, is very basic and spends little time on the option analyzer itself. In the recent options course there was no time spent on the benefits and use of the analyzer. To fully benefit from the analyzer an up-to-date detailed tutorial focusing on its use and benefits is required.
28 votes -
25 votes
Display "open interest" in option analyzer for each strike price.
Open interest tells you how many people have options on a particular strike price that have NOT been closed. This is critical information when choosing a strike price...if there is little or no OI, it might not be possible to close the option contract in the future. Low OI also leads to very wide bid/ask prices.
24 votes -
Filter down further to find only stocks that have weekly options.
Weekly options are becoming more important to me. I'd like to see the ability to Unisearch by filtering optionable stocks that have weekly contacts available.
18 votes -
Need a better way of handling Options Premiums
Currently only credit option premiums can be entered to existing stock portfolios, also need to be able to enter debit premiums to reflect true position of portfolio. As this would only affect portfolios where you hold stocks covered by options need to be able to establish a portfolio for Options only situations.
only situations.14 votes -
Add a section that lists option stratiges and essays.
We need a follow up section for option course students where we can refresh our learning with, how to instructions for various stratiges. If want to do a Bull Put Spread - What searches to use, strike prices that are safest etc.
6 votes -
The option Analyzer allows the user to print a chart of the options Analyzer being studied. However the print does not include the data upon
expand the print range so that when you print an option analayzer chart the print contains the company symbol, strike price or prices, date of printing, margin reqd, etc. If you look at a chart printed a week ago you have no idea the company or details.
6 votes -
Options features for portfolio manager and backtester.
Currently one can only add option premiums. With the increasing interest and your recent webcasts on options trading, it would be helpful to be able to enter more option trade types in the portfolio manager and the bactester.
5 votes -
More in depth directions for Options Pro.
Great tool without much from VestorVest on how to use it day after day. Your ext 755 brings no call back time after time. Have not heard anything regarding the every other week workshop on Options Pro in a very long time.
5 votes -
5 votes
Options Analyzer - Use the strike and expiration month entered in Unisearch
As it stands now, you have to edit the option data (strike and expiration) once the Options Analyzer opens. I already entered it in Unisearch. Why can't the software use the data I already entered?
5 votes -
Add weekly options expiration dates to ORR page. Currently, only monthly expiration dates are available.
Add weekly options expiration dates to ORR page. Currently, only monthly expiration dates are available.
4 votes -
create a watch list of stocks for which weekly options are traded
Create a watch list of stocks for which weekly options are traded
4 votes -
4 votes
Please fix the Margin Calculator feature of the Options Analyzer
The current calculations are inaccurate.
4 votes
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