146 results found
Add Correlation tool
Calculate correlations between investor holdings and show as a column.
Also use Yodlee or other service to load positions and basis automatically.
Add a limited program showing only etf's, etn, & CEF's. + mutual funds
add the following etf's: FWDB,MTP,IBND,BSJD,DSUM,ACIM,EELV
4 votes -
E-mail Primary Wave Changes
Sign up for an e-mail alert when the primary wave changes.
4 votes -
VV site lacks Search Box (wd allow user search within site. Coming soon? OR have I missed how to do
VV site lacks Search Box (wd allow user search within site. Coming soon? OR have I missed how to do
4 votes -
Enable Audio Alert Feature
Please, Please, Please enable subscribers to turn on/off an audio alert for individually created real time searches such as Gappers, New Highs, Volume surges, etc.
3 votes -
Allow Interactive Brokers to use Robotrader in Canada. With Robotrader, one can use a stop loss which is not apparent to the market makers.
I have had thinly traded stocks hit a stop 15% below all other trades for the day. Much better if market makers can not see what is available until the order is placed after the stop is reached.
3 votes -
Add Moving Averages to OBV
add moving averages to obv indicator. the add relative strength indicator that compares stock to s/p500 and would be able to plot it on chart like rt or vst and also be able to add moving averages to it .
thank you jeff3 votes -
Add or delete a symbol from a graph to/from the current watchlist.
While looking at graph all stocks from an existing watch list, I sometimes see graphs that are no longer valid. As it is now, I must write down the symbol, return to the watchlist and then manually delete the symbol. Why not do it from the graph?
3 votes -
stock info
In vector vest version 6 "stock info" exist
See atachmentIn version 7 the “Stock info” has be removed of the software package.
I find be very regrettable.
The stock information has the advantage that you can view a lot of information at a glance without the need to read a lot of information.
Considering that the “stock info” is so easy of use, I will insist to reinstall him.3 votes -
Creata market timing signal using only two indicators,buy/sell ratio and bollinger%b daily 50/0.9weekly50/1
Create market timing signal using only two indicators,BUY/SELL RATIO WITH A SIMPLE 10 DAY MOVING AVERAGE CROSSOVER
3 votes
what search a stock is in
I would like a tool that allows me to enter in a stock and see which search in Unisearch it appears in. It should have selections like, appears within the top 10 of any search or of only long searches. That way when you are researching a stock, you can see how it compares to others from the different types of searches and strategies it appears in. You should also be able to see how many searches to get an idea or how strong certain characterisitcs are for a particular stock.
3 votes -
email alerts for portfolio purchases by vector vest
I would like to get an email anytime there is a change to the vector vest portfolios. Ex: If a purchase was made during the day in the chairmans choice I want an email sent with the ticker, shares purchased, Buy, Hold, or Sell rating, purchase price.
Mike3 votes -
Add Timer Primary Wave + DEW
Add VV6 simulator timer- Primary Wave + DEW combination with Long if both agree. It goes to Neutral if one does not agree. If both show down, then Down
3 votes -
allow tracking of large lot purchases/sales to determine institutional activity.
I would like to know what the institutions are buying/selling by being able to track buy/sell lots of say 5,000 or 10,000. Volume tells activity but does not in any way indicate who is creating the activity.
3 votes -
Buy Sell recomendation
VV7 Is great! The buy sell recomendation works fine, I want that to be clear.
The thing I would like is buy / sell recomendation on the graph that reads candles for us and verifes possible trends.
I would call it Probable Entry Point (PEP) Probable Sell Point (PSP)3 votes -
3 votes
3 votes
2 votes
Add Chaikin Money Flow as an indicator and search
Chaikin Money Flow is better at showing accumulation and distribution by large Institutions than Money Flow. Histogram display would be good, preferable 2 colors , and being able to search on CMF growing in order to see what stocks are in early accumulation. Yes other indicators are required, but this would aide as an early flag.
2 votes -
Provide alerts for when Trend indicators go from up to down.
Please provide alerts for people with Real Time when Trend indicators (Primary and Underlying) change from up to down and vice versa. This is almost essential for people that want to tighten stops for stocks in their portfolio.
2 votes
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