Add Williams %R to VectorVest Fields or allow user to create the it using Custom Field Builder.
Being able to use Williams %R as a parameter in searches can allow you to find stocks that have just broken out and are probably safe to buy. You can also use Williams %R to know when to sell a declining stock. You can use the standard field of 14 ( Wm %R(14) ) but allow the user to modify that number.

Philip Williams commented
VV is so awesome...but the only downside is not having William % PR...This is the main way the I get in a positions.....Thank you
Charles Whitney commented
As Ira pointed out, Williams %R is basically the same as Stochastics, except the scale is 0 to -100. If you right click the Stochastic Oscillator you can make it identical to Williams % R by right clicking the Stochastics, change the Fast/Slow tab to Fast (which will remove the %K smoothing) and set the %D smoothing to 1, effectively removing it. Alternatively set the smoothing of both %K and %D to 1, which is another way of doing the same thing. Using a full charting program this modified Stochastic plot and Williams %R plot precisely the same, except for the difference in the +ve or -ve scaling.
Erland Wittkotter commented
Yes, add soon
Gordon Tomaszewski commented
Add soon !
Gordon Tomaszewski commented
Please add %r to the platform ,when using it on a 30 day setting it can give great entry and exit points and work great with the Midas touch cherry picking method.
michael batko commented
yes please add more technical in VV real time
Ira Tunik commented
Williams % R is nothing more than the inverse of stocahstics.
Edwin Frisbie commented
%R would be a great addition to VV7
Ed Frisbie -
Dennis Sudano commented
Robert (Bob) Hendy commented
Please add -- Williams%R to VectorVest real time
Atmur Stokes commented
I agree totally. But also add DMI (Directional Movement Index).
Kevin Barnett commented
Please add the Williams %R to VV7 Protrader seaches & graphs
Joshua Walker commented
Wiliams %R would be a vital addition to vv7.
Sasikumar Narayanan commented
Please make Williams %R available on VV7. Please....
Donald Ogden commented
Yes!! Add Williams %R to VV7,
Don Ogden
Robert Scheele commented
Wms %R is available in VV6 if you have ProTrader, but ProTrader graphs can't handle more than one sub panel; i.e., you can't make a sub panel of Wms %R or any other indicator without automatically eliminating any previously set-up indicator. This graphing problem doesn't exist in VV7, but Wms %R is not available in VV7 even if you have ProTrader. Please make Wms %R available in VV&, at least for those of us who have ProTrader.
Robert Fultz commented
Please add this Williams % to VV7 thank you
Steve Mayer commented
Steve Mayer commented