When looking at the split view in the Derby it is time consuming to shrink the column widths in order to see the critical data.
When looking at the split view in the Derby it is time consuming to shrink the column widths in order to see the critical data.
Could you fix the widths of the:
Type, #s, %Win, %G, 5 Day G and L. This will enable one to see the data to make a decision without having to tamper with the columns to make them fit the screen. A real time saver in the critical decision making.
Why not have an option of seeing all the Mini graphs (or a SELECTED TOP 10) earnings charts without having to open each Derby title.
It is the earnings curve that is the most important visual and the quicker one can get to it the better. If the charts were displayed as a groups it would be a lot faster to see the necessary criteria.
Why not create an algorithm that finds the best performers from all the best/top searches and create a portfolio. This in essence is cherry picking from the best (at a specific time).