In automation rules, sell if stock no longer satisfies unisearch criteria
This would bring the power of unisearch to the backtest automation rules.

Don Pagdin commented
The Feb/2013 release allows user-defined fields such as RV > RV MA(20) to select a stock. Once selected, there is no equivilent STOP. Allow an automatic Stop when the condition is no longer true, or allow a new Stop function such as RV < RV MA(30) or Price/Value < 1 (user-defined ranges etc). (If increased mathematical processing becomes a capacity issue, charge more for the higher-demand functions)(and use a mainframe, for Pete's sake)
Ken Reso commented
I'm not sure, but this may address many "stop criteria" requests. My intepretation is "Sell, if my currently held position would be a result of search XXXXX". If I can write a "sell" search, it's no longer just a sell-short, but could be used to define more sophisticated stop criteria.
It is more demanding on computer resources, as VV can't anticipate all user-defined variations. It may near-double the searches for a back-test (one sell-if, one buy-if), but defintely puts more flexibiity into search/backtest.