Keyboard shortcut to flip through multiple graphs
When selecting multiple stocks from a watchlist to view as graph, currently we can only move to the next graph using the scroll bar with our mouse. It would be a lot faster and easier to provide a keyboard shortcut to flip to the next (or previous) graph, such as using the up/down arrows, page up/ page dn buttons or the +/- buttons to flip to the next or previous chart.
Ken Morin commented
I don't mind having to click on the scroll bar, but would like to be able to GO BACK UP five or ten stocks at a time, or go back to the TOP. To do this I have to close the page and start all over again, and then reset my graph to what I like - eg 3 months, log scale.
James Epperson commented
Use standard Microsoft keyboard shortcuts - ctrl-W to close the tab you are on such as the current graph tab. Tab, Shift-tab keys to flip thru the tabs. in addition to keyboard shortcut to scroll thru graphs in a given tab. Ctrl-O to open a new tab
Ralph Colebank commented
I totally agree. With the old VV, we could use the up and down arrows to scroll through the numerous symbols selected on the graph screen. Why did we loose this function with the new VV?
Eytan Goldberg commented
Allow 'Page up' / 'Page Down' button to cycle to next / previous stock graphs. Presently the program only allows you to use the side scroll bar. I find I have to click my mouse on the scroll bar sometimes 3 times just to advance to the next stock. It would be so much more convenient to just add the ability to press 'Page up' / 'Page Down' buttons to cycle to next stock.
Jerrod Mason commented
The multi-ticker graphing tool has a very clumsy user interface, requiring the user to use the mouse and a small scroll bar to move between charts. The same issue arises in other contexts. In general, it is difficult to move through a list oin VV.
VV should also permit use fof the PageUpPageDn/Home/End keys to move through the list., If implemented as an alternate navigation method, the scrollbar method would remain as a legacy feature.
tim kerr commented
should be able to view 100 charts at a time then view next 100 charts then so on like it was in prographics, it should high light 100 then after you view them scroll down to next 100 to high light to view like vector vest 6 was, it was a great option in 6 and i hope its ends up in 7 also, now in 7 after 100 top charts to view ther eis no option to view any more charts from your scan you do?
Gordon Walrod commented
Use the space bar to advance and back space for previous. This would save fingers on the mouse, also allow eye focus to stay on the each graph while scroling graphs and speed ghart changing.
Michael Leibel commented
Please add middle button mouse wheel support for navigating graphs
Arthur Christensen commented
Add the VV6 graph down arrow functionality to VV7. I am right handed, and use the down key on VV6 graphs with my left hand and take notes with my right as I scroll thru the selections. Works great
Sandra Mozina commented
instead of using mose to view multiple graphs, add a keyboard feature that will allow scrolling thru multiple graphs
Aubrey Lawrence commented
I agree with these 2 previous comments! I too would like to use the scroll button on the mouse to scroll through the list of charts.
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
VV7 needs to add keyboard shortcut and hotkey all over the place.
Trying to sell a position, I don't even see the normal behaviour of a list box where I can just type the first letter of the symbol I want to select.
It is impossible to operate VV7 without a mouse.
Mehboob Harjee commented
also the scroll button on the mouse would be handy!
Jonathan Woodley commented
PLEASE, PLEASE make it so that scrolling though charts can be done with the keyboard too. It seems a small thing, but I may change to TC if I can't get that capability. I go through charts a lot and the mouse is a pain.