Place the "Upcoming Dividend Dates" option back among the Portfolio shortcut menu selections
In the previous version of VectorVest you could highlight the stocks in your Portfolio(s) and right click to get a shortcut menu. On that shortcut menu you could select "Upcoming Dividend Dates" to get a listing of ex-dividend and dividend payout dates for the stocks in your portfolio.
In VectorVest 7 the "Upcoming Dividend Dates" option is not in the available selections on the shortcut menu - so you have to have and maintain a separate watchlist containing the stocks in your portfolio(s) to get this information because the option IS available in the watchlist shortcut menu but IS NOT available in the Portfolio shortcut menu - which would be the logical place to have it.
My suggestion is to place the "Upcoming Dividend Dates" option back among the Portfolio shortcut menu selections, thereby eliminating the need to have and maintain otherwise useless watchlists of your portfolios in order to obtain "ex-dividend" and "dividend payout" date information about stocks already listed in your Portfolios.