Limit short searches in Derby to stocks which are shortable. Most of them are not.
Most of the short searches I see in VectorVest create lists of stocks to short, and when you go to actually short them, they are not available. Short searches with a minimum size of 100K average volume are likely to generate lots of stock candidates which are too illiquid to short, Let us limit which searches are available to Derby so we can be sure the ones there generate higher volume stocks which are more likely to return lists of stocks which are actually shortable.

dana giampetroni commented
I agree very frustrating to use the short searches in Vector Vest since a large % of the stocks in the search is not eligible to short. Therefore you’re Vector Vest Strategy results are very misleading when the strategy is combined with a Short search, since you can’t trade or achieve these results. I agree with the above enhancement request it would make the trading results more reliable and provide greater insight to shorts.