accumulation/distribution indicator
The accumulation / distribution indicator is in VV US. Please add this indicator to VV 7

Donald Wilson commented
... NO VOTES after 6 months... I would try another approach.
Break down your request into three smaller questions with description of the benefit.
PICK 1: Start with YOUR favorite of the three ideas. Then delete this Suggestion. ;)->< -
Mohammed alsubaiey commented
thank you
Steven Bukosky commented
I didn't know this was in 6. I am frequently irritated by differences in 6 versus 7. This comes up at most user group meetings that I attend. 7 should be better than 6 in all respects and 6 should be dropped from any support or reference.
Andrew Kull commented
I would like to see an accumulation / distribution indicatorin tecnical analysis in the graph section.
Sasikumar Narayanan commented
Please make the Accumulation/Distribution available on VV7