Allow filter to exclude HTB (hard to borrow) and RCB (Regulatory Circuit Breaker) codes from Schwab
Charles Schwab lists short sale stocks as HTB and RCB. The stock can not be obained to short for HTB and RCB has controlled shorting. In Unisearch, if the parameters allowed filtering to state <> HTB or RCB stocks, It would eliminate a lot of stocks in the searches that are of no value to Schwab users (a lot are not good option candidates, either).

Nigel Ahye commented
I second the authors recommendation.
I often find the Short suggestions provided as part of Unisearch are not 'realistic' as I'm unable to act upon recommendations as stocks are often listed as HTB... This makes it difficult to mimic the performance of my backtested results.
I understand it would be difficult to backtest as each broker as different lists, but a common set should be available if we are to use the tool to backtest results.