Allow User settings to be saved in a Portfolio
Improvement Request:
Since I have been a subscriber to VectorVest (many years) I have had a problem with the User Portfolio settings. I have several different Portfolios set up for different stocks and can add my stocks to them and then arrange the various columns the way I want, but the problem is that the columns do not stay where I put them. If I leave the Portfolio screen and then return to it I find that all of the columns have gone back to their default positions and once more I have to re-arrange them. I have clicked on everything I could find trying to find a way to save my settings but was not able to do so. This has been an irritation to me since I began using VectorVest years ago. I finally got irritated enough with this problem to call Support about it recently and was told "That's just the way it is and there is no way to save User Settings". This I could not believe! Surely with all of things VestorVest is able to do, saving User Settings in a Portfolio should be a simple thing to do.
What added fuel to the fire more recently (and what prompted this writing) was what I found happening after I performed the latest VV upgrade a few days back. Upon completing the upgrade I now find that along with having to re-arrange my Portfolio columns each time, when I click on a different Portfolio, that darn Genius block is there covering half of my chart screen and I have to click on it TWICE to minimize it! In addition, when I click on my other Portfolios, each in turn, that Genius blocks pops back up again and each time I have to click TWICE to get rid of it! This should not be. That is regression, not progress. The Support person I spoke with before this last problem (after the upgrade) suggested that I report these problems to be fixed and added to the next upgrade. I sincerely hope this will happen.
An irritated subscriber.