add threshhold markers to MTI-BSR mini graphs
A recent weekly Strategy video identified key levels for the BSR and MTI on the VVC for market timing. Any way these levels can be marked on a mini graph chart (i.e. permanently)? Thanks.

John Hollosy commented
Go to TAB...STOCKS...MARKET TIMING...UNCHECK PRICE...then, uncheck BSR(to start) should be left with just the of /23/19, the RANGE on the SIDE OF THE GRAPH shows a .40 to 1.70 on the RIGHT SIDE...then go over to the FREEHAND on it, find HORIZONTAL..then go to the right side of the graph and place the curser where can repeat this process with the BSR...or, Keeping BOTH "LIT" balance the two screens so they are about the same, and repeat the process for might want to change the BACKGROUND to WHITE first if you intend to PRINT these out...saves a ton of the way, see if you can VISUALIZE how the indicators RISE and what happens when they PEAK...or can study this with the intent of...SEEING HOW THIS SHOWS YOU...the CHANGING RISK LEVEL for the market...and perhaps link it to an exit/stop approach