Chinese Version
Dear all,
I'm running to your HK trail version and may I have some suggestions to your software:
Add Chinese Stock Name beside of English Name
- it should be more familiar to us and suited to our behave ( In case we don't need go out to the other web pages to find out the stock name in chinese, because of the major investor in Hong Kong would be like to remember according to Chinese Name)
Remove all stupid 0 and .HK when we type in stock code for searching.
for example:- 0005.HK can be replaced by type in any others of 5 or 05 or 005 or 0005,
- in fact, after we logged into the Web page of HK section, it is unnecessary to add ".HK" while entering Stock Code.
Recommendation: this is very important to add chinese version if experted this software be popular in Hong Kong and China Area
Best Regards,
Mr Lee

Stanley Lee commented
as above