Relocate Stock Symbol on Top Left Corner instead of in middle of the graph
Relocate Stock Symbol on Top Left corner of the graph:
Current graph shows the stock symbol and name right smack in the middle. All critical data lines go through that area and that makes very difficult to read critical data. My suggestion is to move the stock symbol information on top left corner of the graph that is empty almost in all cases. This improvement can easily be done and it makes the graph come out cleaner.
Similarly, while watching video, the “play” and “pause” can also be located on top left corner instead of right smack in the middle. Many a times I want to stop the video and read the text or graph by clicking pause in order to better understand the point made. Again, the toggle showing play interferes with reading or studying the graph. Let me know at 281-857 6843 or if there is any question on this suggestion. Thanks.
Bharat Shah