Full versions of software for Apple products; e.g., MAC, iPad, iPhone, etc
Full versions of software for Apple products; e.g., MAC, iPad, iPhone, etc. are needed more and more each day.

We’re proud to announce that VectorVest 7 is now available on Mac OS X 10.7 and later! This solution no longer requires a separate partition or installing Parallels Desktop + Windows. Instead, we use a remote server to host VectorVest 7.
Subscribers will install Parallels RAS Client (free app) to access our software. To start using it, go to vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/mac.
Bob DesRochers commented
This app is a huge series of patches and additions to a system written for a DOS-like operating system. If these features were written as a state-of-the-art Mac app it could be easily ported over to Windows 10 or any of the popular mobile OS's.
Dennis Rugenstein commented
Any alternate operating system to Microsoft would be welcome! My preference would be Unix/Linux.