Include "BEST FIT WEEKLY" filter in Unisearch Protrader under Directional Indicators
I use Directional Indicator +D(14) crossover -D(14)" Best Fit Weekly graph" of shares as it gives the best indication of a sustainable uptrend of a share. However, the filter "Directinal Indicator" in Protrader in Unisearch only shows crossovers for 1 day up to 30 days. This is not really very helpful as there is far too much "noise" associated with it. By using the "Best Fit Weekly" it removes much of the "noise" and gives a much clearer indication of a sustainable uptrend. The "best Fit Weekly" is obtainable only by opening a graph of the share. Currently a scan up to 300 graphs of shares every Monday night when they are updated. I use other filters to select the shares of interest to me based on more fundamental analysis, but will not make a purchase decision until the directional indicators cross. All this is very time consuming as I have to do it manually and I can't use any of the facilities that Vectorvest provide.
Therefore, can you please incorporate a " Best Fit Weekly" Directional Indicator filter in Protrader. I think you will be amazed how accurately and often it identifies sustainable up trend of a share.
Kind regards,
Norm Jonkers