Allow the creation of custom stop criteria
Unisearch is a very strong platform for selecting stocks for a portfolio. However in the backtester, the options for selecting which stocks to sell is severely limited. The ability to create custom stop criteria integrated with backtests & autotester would be a powerful expansion of the Vectorvest tool.

Eric Majewski commented
can someone at Vector Vest please comment on this about using UNISearch type function to create a stop signal. can you tell us if its impossible so we stop asking, or too complex..... or if you just don't want to
i think everyone that is a subscriber would really like to have a more personalized stop, and only a Uniserach type of stop would solve this need for everyone, without VV having to go overboard adding 10-15 more stop indicators.
Mark Crittenden commented
I wholeheartedly agree that the use of uni search style conditions in backtester would be as Ken says "Incredible"
Ken Reso commented
Special Presentation (SOTW) for July 24 2015 has another example of showing a Unisearch workaround for signaling an exit. Adding a "Unisearch Stop" to the Backtester would be incredible!
Ken Reso commented
I just watched the SOTW Q&A archive for Feb 16 2015. Todd demonstrated using a "my portfolio stop criteria" search, as a means to implement a custom stop condition. Automating this would cover just about every stop criteria one could imagine. It would be as limitless as Unisearch.
Ken Reso commented
This is a great idea. My design would be to allow the Backtest definition to specify a user-defined Unisearch, and it would implicitly run against a "watchlist" that represents the Backtest holdings. Positions that are returned by this Unisearch are then closed.
Yes, this results in more Unisearch type processing, but it's limited to Backtest holdings. But Stop Criteria could specify conditions like RV, RS, GRT, GPE, combinations of VV fields, and even ProTrader conditions (for those subscribed to ProTrader).