Add volatily, or perhaps the option of all the greeks, and the weeklies to the standard VV columns as an additional choice
Add a toggle to allow the display of at least volatility and, even better, all the greeks to the standard column choices for VV. This will allow for quicker and easier option evaluation without having to go back and forth to the option pricer. Trading options in real time does not allow for lots of wasted time doing the calculations even in a standard pricing tool. Also, for active option traders, the weeklies are more important than the monthlies. Having the weekly expiration dates in both the column selections and the pricing tool would be very helpful instead of just the monthlies.

Steven Ofner commented
In general, VectorVest is not very options friendly. In the portfolio tab, you can add option premium but when the option is closed, there is no way to subtract the closed amount and log the difference. Vectorvest is great for stocks but not so great for options. I do have OptionsPro but if you place an option on a stock in the portfolio genius, there has to be a better way to track it in Vectorvest