Post instructions on how to run VectorVest 7 on Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat & Suse)
Post instructions on how to run VectorVest 7 on Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat & Suse) and Macintosh using WINE, CodeWeavers, PlayOnLinux and/or Winetricks

Paul Jackson commented
It appears Vectorvest don't give a hoot about Linux os users and don't give a damn about their customers either, as evidenced by this post being 3 years old.
If you can provide a executable for Mac, you can provide one for Linux.
Users shouldn't be abandoned trying to get a Windows installer to install under wine.
I will be cancelling my trial for this reason.
But you can try to run it this way.
You will need to run no later than wine 5.0