Integrate Add on Features into VV7
VV keeps adding tools to the basic VV7 and quite honestly at a cost. I know, I know they are all money making fabulous tools at a great price and are a real bargain..... However. How about enabling earning a new tool somehow? After 3 years you get XXX for free - for six months, for half price, or something. VV7 should be getting better and expanding as a basic tool by now, it should have Backtester, Unisearch, watchdog, etc as part of the package by and profit locker pro was just ???? sorry, too expensive. I know, it could have saved a fortune last month etc. come on gents make things more attainable for your tried and true customers, long term customers, etc. not keep going back to the well. And again, yes I know fabulous best deals in town.....