Allow users to track custom searches in the derby
I'd like to be able to see the results of searches I've created in the Derby.
AdminPaul McCann
(Admin, VectorVest)
shared this idea
Mads Damsgaard commented
Why any limits, the full list of searches are already created in the system incl. your own searches. Just let us flick the switch.
Steven Bukosky commented
I would LOVE to be able to use some of my searches in the Derby. There are days that my backtesting for a day will have one of my searches beat the Derby winner.
Tom Rickenbacker commented
5 - 10 would be fine if one can swap them out. Heck, if you can swap them out, I could be had for 3.
Angel Clark commented
i would suggest a limited number of custom searches - in the range of 5-10