Apple/Mac users - Create a full-blown application

We’re proud to announce that VectorVest 7 is now available on Mac OS X 10.7 and later! This solution no longer requires a separate partition or installing Parallels Desktop + Windows. Instead, we use a remote server to host VectorVest 7.
Subscribers will install Parallels RAS Client (free app) to access our software. To start using it, go to
Christopher Smith commented
Yes it is good when it works and it still glitches some and on top of that it cuts off some the windows you open inside the tabs near the bottom.
Wolfgang Roesner commented
I have installed Windows 10 on a partition of my Mac which runs perfectly but having Vectorvest on the iOS partition would save me time to switch between both.
SCOTT STONEY commented
Robin Burrows commented
Longing for Mac version, so that I can use VV for the 1/3 of my life that I spend travelling.
Allan Blackman commented
A Mac version please would mac life simpler
David Kalbach commented
The current VV program for the MAC user is a far cry from Windows VV7. In my profession (I've worked for both the SBA and in the Community Banking arenas.
In both arena's I have experienced hacks from outside entities that were able to penetrate govt. and bank IT security systems. I have yet to experience a similar event with App[e. I will not use available software to allow installation of Microsoft software on my Apple and purchased a separate PC to run VestorVest for security reasons. This places a definite drag on the ability to use Robo Trader and some of the other features should I wish to use those features in conjunction with other Apps which I can run on my iMAC. Even now my I experience some difficulties with email correspondence with VectorVest due to a RAT which has been placed within my IP's acct data. -
Gerald Cuccurullo commented
you need to get in the twenty first century with apple/mac
Beverley Webster commented
I want to echo the comments of Daniel below: using either Boot Camp or Parallels creates issues for Mac users. Like Mirko, I was very surprised and disappointed that VectorVest is a Windows software. It doesn't meet the needs of your subscribers and it should be a priority for your company to address this issue.
Daniel Walford commented
I agree with most of the comments supporting the need for Apple/mac software. I also bought the annual membership only to find out that I am severely limited as I use both Linux and MacBook. Using the alternatives to run it (Boot Camp, Parallels) create their own issues.
Mirko Fischer commented
I just signed up for the trail version and now I am shocked to see the whole VectorVest is a Windows Software?!?!
I am CTO of a tech company and did not even think about something like that is still possible in the 21st century :)
You definitely need a web frontend or a mac version of your software.
Its no option to use a win emulator or whatever to run this windows version on a mac.
It would be like putting snow chains on a Ferrari to reach the tropical beach you advertise and then finding out it's in the middle of Alaska...
I must admit I am shocked and sad now. -
Thomas Zinn Sr commented
I would love to have Vector Vest # 7 software compatible for Apple products. Thank you
Mark Kazemba commented
Jack Marsh commented
I would love to have Vector Vest # 7 software compatible for Apple products. Thank you
William Noyes commented
Get software for you Mac customers so they can use Vectrvest yes/no !!!
Michael Gage commented
I would like to add my name to the list requesting a version of VectorVest for the Mac!
Fred Brickner commented
Mac is preferred in the tech word. Windows is so yesterday. BTW these parallel programs cost money and then you have to buy windows. And as others have stated, its a pain logging in and waiting for it to load everyday.
Stuart Cracraft commented
Just get Parallels and put it on your Mac and put Windows 10 in that and VectorVest inside that. On a sufficiently fast MacBook Pro, performance is perfect. No need to get a native-mode version. Avoid other virtualization tools. Parallels is the best for Mac.
Morris Smith commented
Native mac version would be highly desirable - that and a tax program are the only reason I have loaded windows with VMWare
Robert Kuhl commented
Wouldn't that be GREAT! I am using Boot Camp on my Mac. The fonts are not sharp and clear and the colors are not accurate and contrast is poor. It can be a struggle to use at times.
Justin Werner commented
The *sole* reason I run Windows is for VectorVest and it is massively inconvenient to boot Windows on my laptop just to use VectorVest when the rest of my tools are Mac or Linux. I understand that VV is currently implemented with Microsoft frameworks: this needs to change so that it is implemented with HTML5 and dynamic web programming (JavaScript), so that it can run on any suitable web browser on any of the common OSes.,,, specifically Mac.