Under Vectorvest 7 , unlike the old system I can no longer customize the period for Hi-Lo price searches on stocks . I was using an 18 and
Under Vectorvest 7 , unlike the old system I can no longer customize the period for Hi-Lo price searches on stocks . I was using an 18 and 22 week period hi/lo search along with other parameters . Please be advised this is a game changer for me . I cannot understand why you did not incorporate this feature into Vectorvest 7 . Is it possible to make a last minute adjustment to your program .
I do not know what it will take to return this feature . I do my searches on a weekly basis and of this Friday Oct 2 will be out of luck . I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and am proceeding to contact other stock software vendors .
I can be contacted at macleod@efni.com or 819-627-9807.
Bob MacLeod