Add to Watchlist from Graphs
to "add to watch list" in real time platform from a graph. This is a function of the end of day system

John Felter commented
This suggestion is similar to the "Time-saving Buttons on Graph Screen"
Concezio Letterio commented
Still not done. Listen to your customers
Sunil Taneja commented
This is MUST when someone is view 100's of graph. We should able to Flag it so it get saved to our Watch list -
Concezio Letterio commented
This is great idea why is it not available only makes sense if you are looking at stock graph if you want to follow it you should be able to put it a watchlist . It should be there for all time periods.
Steve Barton commented
Please resurrect this feature. It would be very, very helpful when looking for potential setups on graphs that aren't in the currently open watchlist.
On the surface, it seems like a pretty simple feature that I'm surprised to learn existed in VV-6 and didn't make the cut for VV-7 functionality for some reason.
I'm even more surprised to see that his request has sat idle for over a decade !
Walter Gardner commented
Yes, yes, it'd be great in the 'intra-day' also !!!
James Aust commented
In VectorVest 6 when viewing a graph(s), we were able to add the stock to a Watch List if we liked the graph.